Message from the Advisor
“Change is the only constant in life.”
Message from the Advisor
“Change is the only constant in life.”
Here at Mount Litera School International (MLSI), our daily pursuit is that of providing our students with the right tools to successfully navigate an uncertain future.
Having previously engaged with investment giants like Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs, it is a pleasure for me to now shift focus towards investing in our country’s brightest young minds.
At MLSI, we believe that the DNA of a child’s education depends on a synergy between three key stakeholders: students, teachers and parents.
Here at school, students acquire knowledge through a dynamic learning process integrating research, inquiry and collaboration, as opposed to traditional methods of memorization and rote learning. Arts, Music, Drama, Sports and other extracurricular activities are assimilated into the program in a completely safe and nurturing environment. Together, these factors coalesce into a holistic learning experience that shapes our students into balanced citizens of tomorrow.
We invest an equal amount of time in our teachers, who in turn must shape our students’ future. We equip them with the latest technological tools, guide their professional development and ensure a productive and positive work environment for them to be able to exercise the full measure of their experience and knowledge for the benefit of the students and their own selves.
We also acknowledge that parents are crucial partners in our children’s development. Maintaining a system of constant collaboration and open dialogue with them augments a meaningful educational journey that we collectively work towards setting our students on.
Our human efforts are enhanced by our investments in technology. As India moves into a new age of education and scientific advancements, we believe that modern infrastructure and technological development has to bolster our efforts to be relevant and proficient providers of learning.
It is our aim to provide our students with global standards of education. For them to be able to leave an indelible mark in the pages of human achievement, they must remain aware and appreciative of their personal and cultural heritage. As they strive to be grounded like the Mount Litera tree, we must simultaneously equip them with the wind that their wings need to fly.