Art is a powerful means of communication and self-expression.
As a matter of fact, visual and performing arts programmes are seamlessly woven into the IB courses in India. Students can express themselves through a dance studio and preview theatre. The music and art rooms are large spaces that motivate students to express themselves creatively, which is an integral part of the IB curriculum in India.
Visual Arts permits students to be creative, express, communicate and understand. In MLSI we encourage students to celebrate visual arts not only in the way we create images and objects but also in the way we appreciate, enjoy, respect and respond to the practices of art- making by others from the world. Being one of the top IB schools in Mumbai, our students study various artists around the globe. They are encouraged to learn from the works of these artists and develop their own art- making practices.
PYP programme provide students a wide range of opportunities and means to respond to their experiences and engage with historical, social and cultural perspective. We provide different skills and techniques of drawing, variety of painting techniques, 2D and 3D craft techniques, digital art techniques like video recording, advertising using iMovie app, etc. We introduce History of Art and Subject specific terminology at an early age.
In MYP programme,they learn about expressionism, impressionism, cubism, surrealism and related artists. Students learn to implement various artists’ art disciplines to develop their own style to create stronger foundation to pursue Visual Arts Diploma Programme. Students are guided to appear for MYP E-Assessment Visual Art submissions.
In Diploma programme, students are considered as Artists who develop their own range of contemporary practices and media. Students who want to go on to study visual arts in higher education are given support by guiding them for their university portfolios. Through inquiry, investigation, reflection and creative application, visual arts students develop an appreciation for the expressive and aesthetic diversity in the world around them, becoming informed makers and consumers of visual culture.